Category: 2018

Case study: Remote Indigenous community – Ali Curung

The Ali Curung findings reveal some of the complexities of digital inclusion in remote Indigenous communities. While local patterns of use suggest the internet is an important lifeline for those in remote communities, accessing it comes at a higher cost than it does for those in the cities and towns.

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Case study: The deaf and hard of hearing community

Technological advancements continue to enhance the day to day lives of Australians with disability. Results of a recent survey conducted by the ADII research team indicates that the deaf and hard of hearing (DHH) community has embraced digital communication as one such technology, but this comes at cost.

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Case study: Digital inclusion and single parents

Australian telecommunication advertising commonly portray families using home internet to satisfy a wide range of social, entertainment, work, and educational needs. This depiction of home internet as a ‘family essential’ reflects the high rate of family household connectivity.

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